This is one blog I’ve wanted to write for quite some time and I’m finally able to do it. I’ve written so much motivational content that I want to write this blog to tell you to always stay humble. All great things can be taken away in the blink of an eye and this is why I am telling you to always stay humble.
I’ve seen things in life where people have it all and then lose it all because they get cocky and conceited. Everyone is touchable, that’s a definite and it’s why I always stay grounded. I don’t get too high but I also don’t get too low.
The funny thing is, I don’t celebrate my accomplishments, the people around me do it more than I do. I want you all to achieve greatness but not at the expense of others, doing wrongful things because karma surely comes back to get you at some point in time.
Humbleness goes a long way, helping others does and being kind to others. I’m always someone who is willing to help others, give advice, share what I’ve learned on my journey and so many more things. I will always be someone who will try to prevent people from making the mistakes that I’ve made on my journey.
Staying humble will make you likable by others and keep you in many circles. People will be drawn to you and want to work with you when you’re nice, kind and a hard worker. Don’t doubt that being humble will take you far in life. I know you see a lot of jerks getting ahead but just know, their day will come so don’t worry about them.
Focus on what works in the long run, not right now. Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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