I’ll always remember the Nike commercial with former NBA player Charles Barkley and he said, “I’m not a role model.” At that moment as a young child, I didn’t think anything of it but now that I’m an adult, much older and have experienced life, are we all role models? What is required of us to be considered role models?
A lot of thought is that we need to have children to be considered role models. That parents are more of role models than anyone else since they’re responsible for molding their children into good people in today's society. There’s truth to that but then we have to consider that kids emulate what they see from everyone, not just their parents.
It’s fair to say that I’m a role model, granted I don’t have children but I do have younger brothers (from my dad’s side). Children and others watch me and what I do, how I carry myself on a daily basis. I have to be someone who does the right thing. Will I do it all the time? No, not at all, I’m not perfect in any way, shape or form. But I can’t help but think to myself, that I’m building a future for these kids and I want to give them the opportunity to shift the world for the better.
I’m a role model for my friends too, not just kids that may come in my path in life. Have you ever gotten a text or phone call from a friend who says, thank you for being a great friend, giving insight, keeping me on my path in life? That must be the most fulfilling thing to hear. That’s part of being a role model.
It’s also telling those in your inner circle that you’ve made mistakes and allowing them to learn from you. So it’s not necessarily being a role model to kids, or those younger than you, you can be motivating and inspiring to so many walks of life.
So are we role models? Yes we are whether it’s in our career, family, friends or any other aspect of our lives. Remember that, you’re being watched by others and someone might be inspired by you because of how you carry yourself, your energy or anything else. Energy transfer is how the world operates.
Thanks for reading my blog, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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