This is a question that needs to be asked at this point regarding the book industry. Are writers and authors in trouble with artificial intelligence in the picture? I pose this question because people are not writing a lot of their books and they’re using a platform to write books for them.
What’s happening is a lot of books are being published and purchased by readers and they don't really know the difference. There’s all of these videos with people who say they can write and publish a book in 48 hours. I’ve seen them on YouTube and it makes writers and authors like me and so many others stories become non-existent.
We’ve worked tirelessly for days, weeks, months and sometimes years to put a book together. From brainstorming sessions to writing the book, editing, proofreading, book covers, synopsis, publishing, marketing, website content, blogs, there’s a ton that goes into our process of writing and publishing a book.
While it looks easy, it’s definitely not in any way, shape or form. What I will say is that artificial intelligence has become very concerning along with ChatGPT websites and apps. It takes away from the authenticity of the work a writer puts into crafting a story and putting out their work.
Could artificial intelligence ruin the book publishing market in the near future? Yes, I believe it can unless we collectively take back the industry and what it was. A creative space for people to tell their stories from their minds. We were all given brains to use and it’s the way the world was and is supposed to stay.
The advancement of technology has been a gift and a curse. Social media platforms have brought us together but it has also divided us and ruined the world in a lot of ways. There’s good and bad to many things. I won’t deny that I’ve used ChatGPT sites to think of ideas for video content and titles of my videos. Beyond that, it’s utilizing my smarts to develop and create everything else authentically.
You get to determine the industry and how it shifts moving forward. While artificial intelligence is here, I don’t know if it’s here to stay and for numerous reasons. It’s not something we should be abusing when we have all of the tools ourselves to create the content we are capable of.
Thanks for reading my blog, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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