Believe it or not, a lot of people aren’t going to cheer for you. You’ll get the likes and comments on social media but sometimes that can go over your head and out of sight. It becomes an out of sight, out of mind aspect of your journey.
When no one is cheering for you, you have to be your #1 fan. You have to cheer yourself on when you accomplish a goal, you think of something new and creative, when you’re having a great day and even when you’re having crappy days. You are your own biggest fan whether you believe it or not.
Social media is a highlight reel where people will applaud briefly and keep scrolling. There will be very few people in your circle of family, friends and best friends who want to see you succeed. Don’t get down on yourself when no one is supporting the work that you’re doing.
Stay focused on your goals, take care of your mental health, clap for yourself, even for the smallest thing. Keep a journal or diary of your journey to reflect back on what you’ve accomplished. Date certain days that you remember you achieved something big.
Document big milestones and keep track of them. Keep track of how long it takes you to get to that one big goal you have. When you achieve that big goal, work toward something new. Keep pushing yourself to be great and know that your success will be predicated on how much you cheer for yourself, not how many people cheer for you.
That’s my blog for today, stay focused on your journey, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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