We all work hard at what we're passionate for. We want to see the results for our hard work. But what happens when the results don't show? I share that in today's blog...
The question is do you want to be in the 99% all of your life or become part of the 1%. The 1% of people who are financially stable, happy and enjoying what they do and constantly challenging themselves to be great.
This is a good blog to get inside of my mind and why I'm passionate for what I do everyday. I talk about how blessed I am to have the talent and abilities I have. I am thankful to GOD for pushing me toward my purpose in life.
No matter how far I go on my journey, I want to use my passion to impact others. I want to help people succeed in life and follow their passion and purpose. Today's blog, I share that part of me.
This blog is a good one, I talk about what made me chase my passion and why. This was a blog I surely wanted to write at the right time. I feel that now is the perfect time to write this.
They say when you love what you do, you're not really working. To me, that's how I feel when I write my books, record things and create. This blogs explains my love for what I do daily.
We all have talents and gifts we are blessed with. We just can't let them go to waste in this life we live. This is an important blog to me because I talk about my journey to becoming and author....