Wednesday-Motivation and Inspiration
The world is madness right now. With all of the agendas, propaganda, negativity, it's trying to find some semblance of joy and peace. I pen a blog that will hopefully boost your spirits.
With all that's going on around us and in the world, it's time to ask the most important question. Are you mentally tired?
We spend the majority of our lives sacrificing for others and not doing what we've always wanted to. I share a story about someone I met and also to motivate you to start living for yourself!
Last year, I hit a wall, a burnout. I lost motivation to do things regarding my passion. I talk about this, when it happened, why and how it happens to the best of us.
The way our lives are these days, we get to choose what we want out of it. Complacency and comfort or consistency and commitment? Let's work on choosing the latter.
What would you want to tell the future you? That's a question that we don't ask ourselves daily but it's time to talk about it...
One thing I was guilty of in my past was moping and feeling the world was against me. Until I changed my mindset and focus, that's where I became motivated in what I wanted to do and accomplish in my life.
Our focus should be on continuous learning but sometimes we can develop laziness. We have to focus on constantly wanting to learn more and be more for ourselves.
It's the easiest thing to do when things aren't working out, giving up. It's harder to give your all and know the results may not come for a long time...
Are you more of a follower or a leader? Do you go along with things or do you take the bull by the horn? I delve into that in this blog...