I know the title of this blog has you thinking a bit. The funny thing is, sometimes we don’t even realize that we inspire others. A lot of times it’s because people don’t tell us that we inspire them. They may feel out of place to tell someone that they’re inspired by you or someone else.
Just think of professional athletes for example. When younger athletes make it to the big leagues, one of the biggest questions is, who inspired them when they were younger. The majority of the time, they’ll have 2-3 athletes that they emulated or tried to be like because that specific athlete appealed to them and related to who they are.
If I was to ask you right now, who is someone who inspires you or has inspired you, there’s a good chance you will have an answer. The beauty of life is that we have the opportunity to inspire others daily. It doesn’t matter who it is, you don’t need to have kids to inspire them. You don’t need a certain status in life to inspire someone.
I’ve been inspired by people just like me. I’ve been inspired by people who have made transformations in their lives or decided to go after their passion and go all in. Speaking of being inspired, I came across someone on social media who made a huge transformation in her life where she beat addictions, went through a healing process of who she is and has become a published model, moved from her hometown to a different city, started a podcast and is a mental health advocate. The beautiful thing is, she’s just getting started.
She has a great podcast (I would love to share who she is but I’ll ask her permission to be posted on my website), and she’s destined for so many great things. I have friends who are artists, content creators, work in mental health, writers and they all inspire me in various ways. It’s very easy to instill values and kind words into someone, that will literally change their lives.
It’s why I feel it’s a moral obligation to put people in position to succeed. And if I can’t do it, then I will find someone who can. It’s second nature to help those who want to help themselves. This isn’t about just writing books, there’s other elements to who I am, what my goals are and where I’m trying to go in life.
As I finish this blog, I pose the question I asked in the beginning, do you inspire others? If you don’t, do you feel that you have an opportunity to do so? To tell your story, experiences and guide the generation behind you to strive for greatness in every aspect of their lives.
Think about it, it’s time to be great and inspiring others is something you can surely do. Thanks for reading my blog, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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