These two words are the most common things that we use when we are going through life. Are we making excuses as to why we aren’t working toward our goals? Or are we executing to the best of our ability and not being lackadaisical in our efforts to be great. These are the questions we need to be asking ourselves and we should be doing it daily.
I totally get that life gets in the way, things happen but it shouldn’t stop us completely from executing what we want to accomplish (unless there’s extenuating circumstances). If you’re the one who says, “I’ll do it tomorrow” and tomorrow comes and you don’t do the work, we’ve gotta work on breaking out of the habit.
Remember, we all make time for things we want to and are important to us. Whether that’s working out, cooking the right food, or working toward your goals. Excuses don’t get you to the end goal, execution does. Excuses don’t give you the life you want and seek, execution does. Excuses only hinder the process, not elevate it.
There are too many people in the world that if they stopped making excuses, they would be happier, healthier, and achieve all they want in their lives. Laziness doesn’t get you to the finish line, pushing yourself sometimes does.
What’s it going to be? Are you going to continue making excuses as to why you haven’t accomplished that goal you had since last year? Or are you going to execute what you want and go after it? It’s all up to you, you decide that everyday, no one else does.
That’s my blog for today, thank you for reading as always! Have a great week, get after it, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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