This Sunday February 28th, 2021 makes 5 years I've been an author and it's surreal. I can truthfully say that time flies and I never thought I would be writing this long. I've written and published 28 books with another 32 books as a goal. I have a contract with GOD to write 60 books so I have to uphold that. I've accomplished a lot in that short amount of time but I'm nowhere near done.
I wish I can say it was easy but it was nowhere near it. From bad book covers with The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 1 to making the book 8 x 11 until I realized most books are 6 x 9. The bad investments, wasted money and time in things to grow my brand to changing my website a good 4 times before I got to this one which makes me feel fulfilled and happy. The late nights working on writing these books, some nights being awake until 4 and 5am before I go to sleep for 5-6 hours, wake up and go at it again.
Keep in mind I have a full-time job that's 35 hours a week and I work 4 days a week just so I can have 3 day weekends. All of the distractions from social media to family events, TV shows, hangin out with friends, it's all there for the taking. The days I didn't want to do a thing and knew that I had to get work done. The sacrifices I'd make with not going out, showing up to less family events all so I can write my books.,
Then branching out to writing short screenplays and films, then starting a podcast, starting a YouTube page, restarting my Instagram page, then branching out to writing a blog three days a week. Last year, I officially launched my clothing line and this year I will be pushing that out more to get it noticed. I'm utilizing as many platforms as possible to get myself to where I want to be. It's all a process, one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time.
Writing the controversial book series Code Blue and Kids with Guns to writing the controversial standalone books America Under Mind Control and I Woke Up A Black Man, these were books that were so necessary in the current climate we live in. There's always subject matter that we continually sweep under the rug or there's a constant divide in and I knew that I needed to write these books and the other ones to bring them to the forefront of social issues.
What I will say is, it takes years to build something worth having and patience is the name of the game. What I can truthfully say is this has been nothing short of fun, exciting, tiring, draining but it's all been worth it. I'll never feel like I made it because I know there are over 7 billion people in the world that I can impact in some way. That's how I approach everything, which is why I do so much.
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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