Every year, I go for a daily checkup at my doctor's office and we always have engaging conversations. She always asks me how my life is going, if I'm stressed, depressed, things I'm dealing with and going through. She truly cares about her patients and takes time to ask about their lives and what goals they have.
We talked about what I'm currently doing which is my books, blogging, and growing my author brand. She always knew how passionate I was about sports and how I wanted to make it in that arena. I showed her one of my books and gave her my business card. She was so happy for me and said she's happy that I'm doing what I love. She heard the passion in my voice and how I was talking about my books, she knew that this was going to be my future.
Our conversation transitioned into talking about her patients, some who are younger than me and she had conversations with them about their lives and what they want to do. She told me that most of them are doing things that they don't want to because their parents told them to. She said that most of the parents are immigrants and came to America for their child to accomplish their goals and dreams. But my doctor told me that these parents want their kids to accomplish the goals and dreams they have for them which is unfair in a lot of ways.
It got me thinking that parents (most that are baby boomers), think their child should work jobs that are a safety net. You know the one that has medical benefits, a guaranteed 401k and pension, etc. So kids that are born from 1980 and on seem to rebel and go against the grain in today's society. It's because our minds have developed so much and we're all multi-talented and have so many different passions.
Today's world is full of opportunities and lots of them. Social media has become a platform for so many people to utilize their talents and abilities. From Facebook to YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and many others, there are opportunities everywhere to show what you're made of.
People are more intrigued by your daily lives more than ever. I'm amazed sometimes at how many random people are interested in the poetry I write about life, situations and things that I'm dealing with and going through in my mind. So please don't let your talents and abilities go to waste because you're forced to work a 9-5 to survive.
My reality is, I work 35 hours a week in 4 days and I spend my others 3 days relentlessly writing, recording and trying to grow my brand. Even during the week when I'm working my regular job, I'm working on a project. So do yourself a favor and believe in yourself and don't limit yourself to one specific thing. That's what these older people want you to do and in all honesty, that's the worst thing you could do.
The point I'm trying to make is, you have to do what you want and follow your passion, not what others want you to do. Parents are there to be cautious and make sure that you don't fall on your ass. A lot of parents weren't taught to tell your kids to accomplish your goals and dreams and to follow your passion. You can't be mad at people for something they weren't taught themselves. You can't teach something that you've never been taught or learned yourself, right?
All I'm saying is, do what you love and live the life you want, or else you'll get old and have regrets. That's one thing you don't want to have when you're older.
Be good and accomplish your goals.
Jamell Crouthers
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