Gratification and Glamour

Our biggest problem we have in today’s world is we’re looking for instant gratification and glamour. We tend to not work toward things and know it’s a longevity game with all that we do. We see people in the spotlight and instantly want what they have. We don’t know what went on behind the scenes for them to get to where they are. 


We’re caught up in a culture where we see cameras flashing, huge social media followings, fame and we don’t realize there’s a price that people pay for that lifestyle. Sometimes we don’t know the truths of what’s going on but we see when the cameras are around. 


Sometimes we should think, do we want fame and fortune or a comfortable life to live on our own terms. For me, I don’t care for fame, it changes the landscape of your life where you have no privacy. Is that what you want for yourself? People constantly in your face, where you can’t live normally. 


Maybe we shouldn’t be striving for gratification but more of happiness within ourselves. Gratification comes from others, happiness comes from within your soul. That’s what we need more of, happiness within ourselves, not the gratification from other people.


When it’s all said and done, when you go home at night, are you happy and comfortable within your soul? Can you step away from social media and be good within yourself to make yourself happy? How much of a need is it to want attention from others? 


What we need to get back to is being comfortable in our own skin. Not allowing society to tell us how to feel, how to be, what to be. It’s not letting the messages of insecurity creep in because we haven’t achieved the results we want or feeling inadequate because someone is doing better than them.


Remember, life is what you make it so make it the best one possible. Thanks for reading, be good and go accomplish your goals!


Jamell Crouthers


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