Today’s blog is really important to me and it’s for good reason. The focus in our daily lives should be on our health (mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically). If one of the four is not good, then we need to figure out how to make sure we solve that problem.
Eating right is imperative and while we all have our guilty foods we eat, we need to make sure that we’re taking care of ourselves the right way. To share some parts of my life, I have had a few family members who dealt with heart issues and a few other ailments.
It’s why it’s important that we eat right, exercise, get sunlight daily, move our bodies and get our blood flowing. 2020 was a year where a lot of us became confined to our homes, we worked, ate and did everything there. We didn’t get outside enough, we didn’t exercise and move our bodies (gyms were closed) so a lot of us didn’t workout at home.
The next aspect of this is that we are allowed to control our minds. The news, media, negativity, it all affects our spirits. While it’s great to talk about eating right and exercising, that’s a quarter of the battle to being fully healthy. Being mentally healthy is imperative too and we have to be mindful of that. Negativity keeps us in a down state of insecurity, uncomfort and uncertainty in all aspects of our lives. Let’s try our best to manage our mental health and how we deal with that on a day to day basis.
Spiritually, that’s the inner core of us and how we deal with and manage our day to day lives. Depending on your environment and how you live will surely determine how you deal with the day to day of your life. You can feel great, eat great but your spirit and soul isn’t in a good place. Spiritually, we can hide that component of us but deep inside, we know the truth of who we are.
How we deal with our emotions will always determine the rest. If you’re not emotionally good, that affects your mind, heart, soul and the rest of your body. Your emotions can contribute to headaches, stress, high blood pressure, heart issues, gut issues and plenty of other things which is why I’m big on making sure your mental health is on point.
Please take the time to focus on all four components of your health. At the end of the day, health is wealth!
Thanks for reading today, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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