Let me guess, you live a vicious cycle of the Monday-Friday grind, right? Well, I won't get into how school is structured to prepare you for that vicious cycle in Corporate America because that won't do me much justice in this blog. What I will say is, it's your life and you can change it. But, it's totally up to you to change your ways.
You have to pay your rent, school loans, car payments, food, gas, electricity, take care of your kids (if you have any) and in the midst of it try to find some sanity and have fun. Great. Congratulations. Welcome to adulthood. There's a difference between literally being stuck and knowing that what you're dealing with doesn't have to last forever.
Breaking the monotony and routine of your life is very easy. Start working on your goals, it's that simple. Whatever your goals are, it can be done. You can tell me you have kids and it's hard to find time to do things. Bad news for you if you tell anyone that, someone knows someone who has kids and finds a way to work toward their goals.
If you're living for weekends and vacations, your life is monotonous and that's how it will be until you change it. Take the time to realize that you work on average 46-50 weeks a year. Now think about doing that for a large percentage of your adult life. Let's say give or take you start working at age 22 and you choose to retire at 65 years old. That's 43 years of your life, looking forward to Friday and dreading Mondays. And let's not forget living for those extra days off of a few major holidays you get every year.
You can't blame anyone but yourself for putting yourself in that position. Now, if you're perfectly fine with that life, great. You can't complain though, it's the life you chose and what you signed up for. It's never too late to change your goals, your focus and what you want to accomplish. I didn't change my focus until I was 32 years old, imagine if I did it 10 years earlier how far I would be.
So, I spend my days making up for lost time. I'm more mentally focused than I will ever be at this point of my life. For me, it's now or never, go hard or fall short and I have no intention of falling short. The work is going to get done and the grind is going to continue well into next year and the following years.
To those who are reading this, I ask you this. What are your goals? Are you settling in your life? Are you living a life of monotony? Well, break out of it and get to work!
Be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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