My life has been a rollercoaster ride and the one thing I can say is, I learned about life really fast. That death is something that’s guaranteed in life and I lost both of my grandmothers at the age of 8. Both gone in one summer, snap your fingers and boom, they’re gone physically from this Earth. My grandmother on my mother’s side is still with me in spirit and I know she’s surely a guardian angel of mine.
In my mid-20s, I lost my grandfather on my mother’s side. I lost my grandparents to a variety of health problems which was unfortunate but it’s how life goes. I reflect back now and look up and thank them for the moments I did have with them. My grandmother on my mom’s side would be in her late 80s as in these posts and I always wonder what she’s thinking when I write all of these books.
All of the work I’m doing is not only for GOD, but for them too. It’s about making heaven proud of all that I’m doing. Well, for all of the family members that I did know on a personal level. Cousins that I was cool with that are no longer with us, I think about them too from time to time. My mother thinks about them more because she was closer to them so I get that part.
I don’t necessarily feel pressure to be perfect, but more of being myself in this journey. To know that this world is in need of repair, conversations, exposing the truth for what it is (certain topics I’ve written). It’s important that I do my due diligence in writing about a lot of what’s going on around us. Writing and creating the stories that will garner changes in the world is important to me.
That’s what it’s about for me so I wear my tattoo on my back of my grandparents proudly. I carry my Brazilian and Italian roots on my back and know that I want to make them smile everytime I publish a new book, or post a new podcast. Hopefully I’m doing right by them and they’re gushing over my small successes!
That’s my blog for today, be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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