The one thing I’ve always said is no one will outwork me. The hard work and drive will always be there. I will not let anyone create more content than me. Those who are striving for something bigger than them, they will not outwork me.
I make sure everyday that I’m doing something that will benefit my brand for the future. Some days I’m waking up early to do work before I start my full-time job. There are other days where I’m staying up late doing work that needs to get done.
My days off consist of writing blogs, recording YouTube content, writing new books, recording new audio books or planning out various projects I want to get done. I’m always thinking to myself that someone is working and someone is getting closer to their goals.
Competing with myself and how much I can accomplish and get done, that’s the name of the game for me. There’s a love and passion for this and it’s non-stop. I have a ‘no days off’ mentality even though I take brief breaks sometimes.
Anyone who knows me well, always knows that I’m always grindin’ and when I get to where I want to be, I still will continue to work. Consistency is what allows me to outwork people. I want it more than anyone or anything else. I have goals everyday, every week, and every month. I accomplish something everyday no matter what.
If you don’t do the work, someone else will do their work and be ahead of you. Remember that. Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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