There’s one thing that I will admit to you. I never knew my full potential and what I’m capable of until I became an author. When I got to a place of consistent writing, that’s when I knew I could outwork my potential and achieve anything I put my mind to.
What I want you all to do is to outwork your potential. Go harder than what you normally would, work towards goals you would never set for yourself. You have it in you, you just haven’t explored it and learned what you’re truly capable of. You won’t know how great you can be until you start crushing your goals one after the other.
Please stop hindering yourself and keeping yourself back from all of the potential you truly have. If you’re good at more than one thing, look into those things. Focus on all of the things that you’re good at and keep at it daily.
I want you to be great and I want you to do whatever you want as far as your passion. Love what you do, love everything that connects to your heart and soul. No matter what your talents and gifts are, there’s room for you to succeed, remember that.
Your potential is greater than what you think it is. You have to believe in yourself, who you are, what you’re capable of and how far you can go. I want you to look in the mirror at yourself daily and tell yourself, “you’re great, you will achieve success and you will outwork the potential you have in you.” I want you to give yourself positive affirmation daily and every once in a while, reflect on all that you’ve accomplished and know that you can achieve more.
Go all out on what moves you, what drives you, what motivates you and what inspires you. The chances you don’t take now can end up being regrets later on in your life, keep that in mind.
That’s my blog for today, thanks for reading. Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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