Never giving up is something that not many people have in them. There’s a persistence in them to keep going no matter the obstacles and adversity they may face. Nothing is going to stop them from becoming what they want to be and are meant to be.
Persistence becomes this consistent thing that is built in a person. Could that be you? Are you in the middle of a journey right now where you’re always pushing toward something? Like you just know any day, any week, or month, you will start seeing results for all of the hard work you’ve done for so long?
Yeah, I bet you can relate to what I’m writing at this exact moment. You’re rubbing your hands together right now because there’s someone who can relate to what you’re thinking, processing and experiencing. You always meet people who get it and totally understand where you’re coming from.
Now, once the persistence is there, you know that the next component of this is priorities. You know that you can’t always go out with friends, or binge watch TV shows because you have work to do. You know that you have to sacrifice fun to get a little work done. No matter how small or big the task is, you’re prioritizing that over goofing around and wasting time.
It’s not to say that you shouldn’t have fun, enjoy yourself but you just have to know your limits. If you’ve spent a week having fun, now you have time to make up and the work has to be done. An example of this is going out with friends and doing various things such as a sports game, hangin out at the pool, going out to eat, going to the movies. Then the next week comes and you’re not making the work you’re doing a priority, now you’re slacking off.
This is what I mean where you have to have a balance of things. Knowing when to enjoy life but also saying, “I need to take care of this to get to where I want to be.” It’s taking a week off from the gym and then the next week, you don’t want to go back and the weeks start adding up after a while, meanwhile you know that health is wealth.
Let’s make sure that the persistence to be great is there along with prioritizing your life. You know yourself better than anyone else (or at least you should). Remember, you determine how far you’ll go in life. Putting in the work will always lead to results.
Thanks for reading my blog as always, have a good week, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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