When you finally make the decision to carve your own path to success, you'll soon realize that you'll have to make sacrifices to get there. You will not know in the beginning what those sacrifices will be but as time goes on, you'll soon figure them out.
You'll learn that you'll have to watch less television to get your work done. You may have to wake up earlier or work late into the night to get things done. You'll have to stop going out every weekend and only go out some weekends to get the work you need to get done.
There will be family events you'll have to miss, birthday parties, maybe even some weddings, especially when you're determined to live the life that you want and impact others. No one ever tells you these things which is why I’ll tell you now what it takes.
Anytime, I have downtime, I'm either thinking, planning, strategizing, writing, marketing or brainstorming. Your drive will keep you going and you won't take many days off. Even when you take time off, you'll feel like you're not getting anything done.
You will be tired a lot, especially if you have a full-time job while trying to get your own business going yourself. Sleep is something you'll cherish as most of my days are 18 hours on average except on the weekends where I get more rest time. Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone. Honestly, I don't hang around too many people who are striving for greatness. I have a few fellow Aquarians like me who are working as arduously as me but beyond that, there aren't many people. In the past year or so, I’ve met a few good people who are striving for greatness.
You'll lose motivation daily but you have to think of the bigger picture and why you're doing it. Whether it's to impact people, the world, live comfortably or a combination of all three. It's never going to be easy and I realized that early on. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it and there would be a lot of rich people walking around.
The point is whatever you put into your work, just keep going. Whether you work on things for hours at a time or a few minutes a day, it's getting you closer to your ultimate goal (whatever that may be). So be prepared for the sacrifices you'll have to make to get to where you want to be. I know I am, are you?
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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