Don’t fear failure….embrace it. When you fall and/or fail, it means that you’ll gain strength and success is bound to come. I’ve fallen plenty of times and don’t get me wrong, I’ve wanted to stay down but I eventually got up and stood on my two feet again.
I just want to prepare you, you will fall, you will fail, it’s part of the process. Allow it to strengthen you so you can succeed and achieve happiness. Everything is a learning experience and a learning curve, don’t allow falling and failing to hinder your progress.
This isn’t the most motivational blog but it’s about sharing my truth, what I’ve learned along the way and going through the range of emotions that I’ve experienced the past few years. It’s normal, it’s not the end of the world and you’ll find joy and pain throughout everything you’re going through.
Embrace the good, bad, ugly and indifferent and I promise you that with consistency, you’ll achieve greatness. Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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