The 6 Gs, it's imperative to me on this journey called life. I'm thankful for my talents and gifts but I know I have a long way to go. I'm nowhere near where I want to be as far as accomplishing all of my goals.
GOD is the one who has blessed me with all of the talent, gifts and abilities. Without him, I'm nowhere near where I am on this journey. I'm forever grateful and thankful to him for giving me a purpose in my life everyday I wake up. To be able to write stories, blog, have a podcast and so many other things.
As far as my goals, I continue to strive for the best in that department. I always challenge myself and see how much I can push myself. Every week, I know that whatever I do is getting me closer to accomplishing all that I want to.
My growth will always be continual and that will never change. When you’re striving for something bigger than yourself, working on yourself and being consistent in your growth, you’ll always achieve great results. I always try to keep things in perspective and know that with each day, my mind gets stronger and my drive rises significantly.
The grind for me is everyday, there’s always something for me to do. With each day I’m blessed to live, I look forward and not back. I look ahead on what’s to come and how to get to where I want to be. I look back to see how far I’ve come but nothing more than that. Life has a way of getting us to look back but I reflect to think about what I’ve accomplished, then it’s back to the journey.
Striving for greatness, should be daily and consistent. I have a no nonsense, no excuses attitude. I know there’s always opportunities for improvement, help and influence. I look to entrepreneurs for insight, motivation and inspiration and it’s how I continue on this long marathon of life.
My gratitude for the support I get, those who understand my goals and vision and knowing that my talents and gifts can be taken away very easily is what keeps me grounded and humble. Nothing comes easy for me, I have to work 10 times harder than others and it’s why my gratitude is always there for any little support I get from strangers on my journey.
At the end of the day, I don’t get too high or get too low, I stay even on everything I do and accomplish. Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals! These designs will be available on my clothing line in the near future!
Jamell Crouthers
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