I never thought that I would have a podcast, let alone be 2 years into it. It has been a crazy journey with this. I knew that I wanted to tackle real world issues. After the first 10 episodes, I knew that it was going to be something I would do consistently and regularly.
The more content I started thinking of to discuss, the more I got entrenched in doing it every week. To be able to get behind a microphone and talk about things that matter and all of the pushed agendas on us through the media, it became bigger than me. When it hit that point, I had to go harder every week.
I began looking at all that’s going on around us, looking at truther pages that were posting things and then I would start researching these things. The subject matter became more intense, and at one point, I was unsure if I wanted to go deeper down the rabbit hole of this matrix we live in but I know it was only right that I did.
This podcast would be an opportunity to get listeners' attention to the atrocities going on everyday. It wasn’t going to be easy but I knew that the challenge was going to be worth it. Now some of the subject matter is negative but it affects us in our everyday lives and I felt that if someone doesn’t know, my platform is there to inform them.
I definitely write out the key points in the subject matter I am going to talk about for the episode. I like to stay on point and not go off on a tangent while I’m recording. I do it in one shot, no editing or anything and I try to keep it between 10-15 minutes and not have it dragging along. I know that people’s attention spans don’t last long and I just want to get out what’s on my point and what’s going on in the world.
The logo was made by someone on Fiverr and he did an amazing job bringing out my zodiac but also incorporating headphones into the logo. I appreciate him for that and it didn’t cost me a ton to have it made either. I have received some compliments for it and I tell them that someone made it for me, gotta give credit where it’s due.
Truthfully, I don’t know how long I will be doing my podcast, I say that I will do 200 episodes and then find something else to focus on but I will see. Who knows where I’ll be in the next year or so, so stay tuned with that. If you want to start a podcast, definitely reach out to me and I will gladly help in getting you ready and set up.
The Aquarianmind Podcast is available on multiple platforms!
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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