It’s the start of the new year and it’s time to have a real conversation about what’s going on in our lives. We all live and learn a lot of things on a daily basis and it’s time I breakdown what I’ve learned from 2024:
1. Companies are only loyal to you to a certain extent. If they can get rid of you to cut costs in the long run, they will do it without thought process. Sometimes if you’re making a lot of money, you will get let go. But then there are the lower people of the totem pole that will lose their jobs too (Party City is a prime example of this).
2. Company Culture isn’t what it used to be. The reality of things is, people care more about being compensated fairly for what they do instead of having camaraderie with their coworkers. People would rather work from home, get paid and spend time with their loved ones. I think 2020 shifted that aspect of life a lot when we all moved to being home and we started to see the bigger picture.
3. The world isn’t what we think it is. A lot of us who pointed at people as conspiracy theorists are seeing all that they’ve said come to fruition. The movies “Truman Show,” “Inception,“"The Matrix,” and “iRobot” are all documentaries of what was to come of the world we are currently in. Now, we’re all realizing a lot of what we see on our TV and tablet screens are coming to fruition and things are no longer as “entertaining” as we think.
4. Money isn’t everything anymore. What we see in celebrities, their lifestyles and what they portray, a lot of us are starting to notice it’s not reality. We’re realizing that their fame came at a hefty price. We’re no longer idolizing their lives, all of the things these people have done in the dark are now starting to come to the light.
5. Loving the skin you’re in is becoming more important than keeping up with the Joneses. With people losing their jobs, cars they overpay for, homes they can’t afford, we are realizing that we’ve all been lied to about the “American Dream.” We’re all seeing that it’s become “The American Nightmare.” But in hindsight, companies are suffering at the hands of us because we are choosing not to spend as much as we used to. While mental health is still an ongoing issue among millions, we are starting to utilize social media and our platforms to have a voice, be there for each other and tell our stories. Those who know my story understand why I live a very simple life.
6. Social media has become our gateway to enlightenment. While social media is used by companies to program our minds to spend and keep up with others, what “they” aren’t realizing is that our social media platforms have become our truth. Our truth on what the world really is, how it’s affecting our minds and mental health, and how much we value learning from each other. TikTok has become a platform where we are learning so much, sharing information and seeing the light at the end of a dark tunnel we’ve all been in for the majority of our lives.
7. Appreciating who we have in our lives and understanding who and what’s important. Working until we’re dead tired and burnt out is no longer what a lot of us want to do. We don’t care for promotions, we only care about working the hours we need to and going home to our families. We’re all starting to appreciate family more moments, traveling, experiences that we can reflect on later in life, taking care of our health, getting the rest we need, eating right, cutting our all of the foods that don’t benefit us (the fast food industry is now struggling) and we spend more time with each other instead of with our coworkers.
8. We’re doing more of what makes us happy. I’ve noticed people are living life on their own terms way more than ever these past few years. Eating good food, traveling to different places, it’s what I see a lot on social media and among my friends. People are starting to eliminate negativity out of their lives, thinking more positively, not watching the news and bad energy. We find ourselves valuing our own peace more than ever before and it’s a beautiful thing.
9. We’re doing more things now instead of later. I’m starting to see people aren’t waiting long to do things they’ve wanted to. We start doing things like changing jobs, careers, chasing our passions, downsizing our living, taking chances on things we wouldn’t normally do. I think a lot of us are developing the ‘now’ or ‘never’ mindset where we don’t want to have regrets later on in life.
10. We’re starting to work toward living more instead of surviving. The past few years we’ve been surviving a lot and a good amount of us are still doing it. But the reality is, we’re working toward living more. We’re cutting out things we don’t need (subscriptions, credit cards, any extra expenses), we’re spending less time on things that don’t matter.
These are the 10 things I’ve learned from 2024, I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Until next time, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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