Did anyone think that the world would be where it is currently? For me, I did in certain aspects but a lot of it I’m just numb to it. It’s not that I don’t care because the reality is, I’ve written and published 60 books on so many social issues. It’s not that I don’t want to get angry and go shake things up, it’s just a loss for words.
Even as I type these words on my birthday, I count my blessings. I made it another year but....I can’t help but constantly be in thought of all that’s going on around me. The job market is confusing, annoying, and a myriad of other words. Relationships aren’t what they are with friends, significant others, family members, coworkers.
People’s perspectives on life are totally different now. We’re more emotional to what’s going on around us. We have a sense of empathy for those who are just like us. The catastrophic events have brought us to social media apps to collectively talk about all that’s going on.
We no longer care to move up the corporate ladder and be a pawn on the chessboard for corporations. More money means more responsibilities and less time with those we care about and love. Being a workaholic is not the move for millions of people now. It's to pay us what we’re worth and let me go home to my family.
But…then we are divided as we’ve always been on so many things. Sports, politics and religion which is what we’re always told to not talk about openly with others but we do it anyway. We’ve become entrenched in these subjects, I try my best to stay away from it. Sports I don’t watch as much, politics I don’t care for and religion is just a touchy subject and I always say, “do what you feel is best for you.”
Is it hard to believe that we are in a space where we are all numb to a lot? That we’re all just trying to “make it” or “survive.” Where our families become the most important component after all that’s happened in the past four years. I know that a lot of things changed for me before 2020 and I’ve spoken on it in blogs and my podcast.
With all that’s going on in the world, how do we manage it? How do we manage it all from day to day? All of the negativity, no matter where you turn, it’s there to be seen and there for the taking to absorb, process, feel, emote and any other things you can think of. There’s just too many things I can go into, you name it, it’s happening.
The American dream is more of the American nightmare. Go to college, bury yourself in debt, get a job, pay the money back for the education you got, climb the corporate ladder, buy a house, get married, have kids, and teach your kids to do the same thing you did while maintaining your sanity.
Societal brainwashing and living up to expectations of the world is no longer. There’s a shift happening, it doesn’t feel like it but it is. Maybe because I’m empathic and maybe because I watch so much that’s going on around me. The empaths and lightworkers know what’s going on and we’re trying to keep everyone together while making sure that we’re good ourselves.
All that I can say is, let’s continue to stick together, let’s continue to keep speaking on all that’s going on around us. Whether that be with those closest to us or on social media platforms. We have the ability to change the narrative of what’s being fed to us.
This is not what we signed up for, but we have to collectively be there for each other and work to make the world a safe place to live in…
Thanks for reading as always, my books on social issues are available in eBook, paperback and audio format!
Be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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