Sometimes we need someone to inspire us to keep us going and work harder. The question is who is that one person who inspires you to work hard? Is it your mentor, entrepreneur that you follow for inspiration, or maybe it's a close friend or family member.
For me, the people around me in my life inspire me to work hard. When I know there are people around me who are pushing to be better daily, it only makes me step my game up. My best friends are always working toward something. Our goals are different, which is a good thing. I love to inspire people to be great daily.
When you have people in your life who has goals as big as you, it makes you work harder. Everyone needs someone who inspires and/or motivates them to be better everyday. Sometimes we need someone who will hold us accountable too, it all depends on who you are and your own self-awareness of yourself. Just take time to think about who inspires you to be great.
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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