The start of writing, ‘A Man’s Plight 1’ I wanted to share how men are portrayed in the media. From television to radio and print, along with Hollywood controlling the content and narrative, having Dwight as the main character was important for me to have.
I write a story from Dwight’s perspective as he’s an actor and is trying to change the narrative of how men are portrayed. There’s plenty of subjects that are discussed from emasculating men to how fathers on hit sitcoms on television shows are buffoons. There’s so much that goes into the start of this series.
Along with the subject matter and depictions of men, I delve into Dwight’s story as an actor and how he struggles as an actor. How there are roles that actors take to advance their careers and how Dwight chooses not to go that route and he’s ostracized for it.
There was a need to expose Hollywood and I definitely came with it from the get go. I felt that writing this story line will allow this series to grow, the subject matter flows and there will be an understanding of how many social issues plague men in today's world. It took some time to develop the story and how I would write it, but I feel I did men justice with what I wrote about.
While I know it’s not possible to delve deep into everything men face, I’m thankful for the ability to share our battles and struggles. It’s time the world sees and understands what’s being done to us mentally and spiritually and hopefully I accomplished that through the start of this series.
‘A Man’s Plight 1’ is available on B&N, Apple, Kobo and Scribd along with Paperbacks on The Bookpatch.
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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