The last book of the series with ‘A Man’s Plight 6’, I had to go out with a bang. I felt that I needed to talk about mental health and therapy. There’s this painted image of men being weak when they’re at their lowest moments of their lives and that’s far from the truth. The main character Patrick is focused on bettering himself as a man and decides that he needs to get the help needed to get there.
Writing about this character Patrick was important to me because some of the problems he faces, a large amount of men feel and go through in their lives. I wanted to address things that affect us everyday such as confidence, building relationships with others, trust, anxiety, depression, addictions, emotions, feelings, coping and plenty of other things.
We lose sense of how much men struggle internally and don’t know how to verbalize their feelings. We’re not necessarily taught that from a young age and it’s so important. The relationships with our parents shape us into who we are as adults in plenty of ways. The rest of it will be experiences and learning about ourselves and who we are.
Patrick finally breaks the barriers of trust and opens up to his therapist Dr. Steven Grand and the responses he gets from his therapist are life changing. Sometimes we need a professional to really dig deeper into who we are and the causes of our decisions and choices that we make in our daily lives and I hope that I’m able to bring that out in this book.
With so many societal expectations of us, we are not only trying to figure that out but ourselves and our needs. We all have life stories, it’s just a matter of who’s willing to lend a listening ear without being judgmental and opinionated.
There was surely a need to write a book that has an impact on men in today’s world. Men are in dire need of people who are willing to listen to us and our struggles we go through. Suicide is significantly higher among men in this world compared to women. It’s not to say that women and their mental health isn’t important, the focus is on them way more and men get lost in the shuffle.
This book is about normalizing mental health and therapy for men. It’s about stepping out into the world and allowing men to be themselves, be vulnerable, open, sensitive without having a certain perception of them if they do. There’s a need for a change in the narrative of how men are perceived and portrayed and hopefully this book series brings more conversations about this on a much deeper level.
That’s my last blog for this series, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading these, stay tuned for the next book series coming next year! A Man’s Plight 6 is available on B&N, Apple, Kobo, Scribd and other bookstores! Paperbacks are available on The Bookpatch!
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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