The journey of writing 'Alphabet City 7' was interesting. The main character Tiffani is a juice shop owner. She deals with the struggles of being a business owner with a healthy store for people to indulge in healthy life choices but she’s dealing with the fast food chains as her competition. I knew that was going to be the crucial part of this story.
I knew that I had to add some elements to her reasoning behind opening up a juice shop. It couldn’t be just because there were no other healthy spots to get a good juice or shake. That’s too easy and generic and I spent time thinking about what other elements I can add to this story.
When I thought about it, I said to myself, since juicing is a healthy part of her journey, let’s incorporate her working as a nurse in the ER. Day after day, she sees people coming in with health issues, heart disease, people having heart attacks, etc. That was a perfect part of the story and why she would work toward opening up a juice shop.
The majority of my books start with a bang and this book didn’t have it early on. The first few chapters as I was writing it, I liked it but I didn’t love it. There was no pack to the punch and I had to create that. I decided that Tiffani’s father had to die of a massive heart attack and his choices in the food he ate was the reason why. That was another component that contributed to Tiffani opening up a juice shop.
There was a need to find purpose in Tiffani’s story and that’s what I want to bring out in these characters. Purpose is the goal whether it’s good or bad, I know that it’s necessary to have that in every story with Alphabet City. You’ll learn of Tiffani’s story and hopefully by the end of the book, you’ll appreciate the journey she’s on and why there needs to be a focus on changing how certain neighborhoods in America need to change.
Alphabet City 7 is available on B&N, Apple, Kobo, Scribd and other bookstores. Paperbacks are available on The Bookpatch!
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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