When I think about my journey as a writer and author, I could’ve gone in so many different directions. Somehow, I chose to steer in the direction of social issues. There are so many uncomfortable topics that come up when social issues are mentioned. Anything you can think of that is of importance, you can literally talk about.
We tend to talk about social issues with people that are within our social circles whether it’s family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances but never around strangers. We’re getting better with it, especially on social media where we are utilizing our platforms to have uncomfortable conversations.
It’s the main reason I started writing books, to start conversations. Whether they’re good, bad, ugly or indifferent, they’re all necessary. Sometimes the conversations can get very uncomfortable, uneasy, and can lead to things that we don’t want but it’s our reality. Life is about stories, without them, we’re not all here to share them and partake in learning about others.
Over the years I’ve written some really controversial things that will get your brainwaves chugging away. I’m not able to write the books I do without experiences I’ve been through or experiences other people have gone through, seeing and watching the world, there’s a lot that goes into writing the books I do.
There are so many topics to touch on, so much that I can write and share. From my first book to my sixtieth, I’ve grown, learned about myself and others, become a writer I thought couldn’t happen. I stepped out of my comfort zone, researched a lot of subject matter, watched social media content, watched videos, you name it, I did it.
I did it all for the sake of starting conversations. A lot of my books can be inspiring, some were written in a specific time where certain social issues were at its peak but can still be read down the road. There are plenty of books that can be re-read and will carry on through the test of time.
I think about my books reaching kids that are young and in school and will become adults with concerns about social issues and will come across my book and read it. A lot of my books I’m writing for the generation behind me as they will be inundated with content and there’s hope that one of my books will come across their social media feed or an article on the internet, maybe one of my podcasts, there’s purpose behind all that I do when it comes to my writing.
These blogs I want to live on for the future too. Where people of any age group can come across not only my books, my podcasts but even my blogs and want to read them.
It sounds crazy reading this and thinking to yourself, how did Jamell think of all of this? For me, I always talk about longevity and legacy, that’s what it’s about for me. With each book I wrote, edited and published, I was building something for the foreseeable future.
There’s always the thought of, I wrote all of these books and a young kid who aspires to be a writer, author and content creator decides that he or she wants to write a book themselves. It’s why I share the websites I use, I talk about my process so it helps. I don’t care to sell anyone a dream or make money off of things on the internet that you can find for free.
If I found it, then I feel that it’s for me to share with you. I’ve loved the journey of writing, content creation, publishing books and being great at what I do. Even when I was crazy enough to incorporate writing in a prose format and bringing social issues to light.
Yes it’s about being different and standing out. Yes it’s about separating myself from all of the other writers and authors. Being different is a good thing, it helps so people can remember you. That’s all you want at the end of the day.
That’s my blog, thank you for reading, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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