Ahhh, the book, ‘What If.’ What I will say is, this was a really fun book to write. I say this because I knew I was going to write this book at least a year ahead of time. The only thing was, I didn’t brainstorm it right away because I was working on other projects.
'What If' is a book where we always question ourselves, things that have happened in our pasts and we wonder if we made the right decision. If we did things the right way or what if we can go back in time and change a situation or experience in our lives, would it change the outcome of where we are currently? We’ve all done it, we’re all guilty of it (I surely am) and we tend to overthink our lives a ton.
This book has four characters, Shaun, Andrea, Rodney and Deja. This was a story where I needed to bring forth a few scenarios in life that have happened to a lot of us. The hope is that when you read this book, you can relate to one of the characters.
With four characters can potentially be a lot of chapters. In this story, there aren’t a lot of chapters but the storytelling will surely be there. Each character will have three chapters each but there will be life experiences that might relate to you.
The work I put into this book was more about perspective with life. That we can’t control everything, we can’t dictate the future, that we’re all on a road where we get to choose what direction we go in. A lot of times we’re in the car on the highway not knowing where we will arrive next.
Whether it’s choosing a certain college, going into a certain career, moving to a different city, taking one job over the other, changing a career path, dating a person, a conversation with someone that may shift your path in life, these are some of the many things that we may experience. It’s why I wrote this book, it has a purpose and reason.
On the front of the book cover there’s a quote that says, “Sometimes we need to be protected from our own thoughts and uncertainties…” It draws your attention but it also makes you think for a moment which is the goal. Along with that, there’s words on the book cover that’s important, fear, doubt, anxiety, sadness, guilt. Those are a few of many words that we experience when we question our paths in life.
This book is another good one and one that you can read again to remind you that life is a journey and a marathon and we should embrace it one day at a time.
‘What If’ is available as an eBook on B&N, Apple, Smashwords, Kobo, Scribd and other bookstores. Paperbacks are available on The Bookpatch!
Thanks for reading as always, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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