The last book of the series ‘The Private Investigator 5’ has Gary and Joe tackling a serious issue that goes on in police departments in America, alcoholism. While the stresses of the job can get to a lot of people, drinking alcohol is surely an escape for a lot of police officers on the force and it’s come to a head now.
This story is another topic that was necessary for me to write and Sherry is looking for justice after suffering at the hands of her abusive boyfriend who’s a police officer named Nate. I definitely researched cases where this has happened numerous times and police officers don’t get prison time. The badge is what’s keeping them from having to be held accountable for their actions.
It’s a serious issue and I know this is something that isn’t talked about enough. Protection is necessary for women who suffer at the hands of abusive boyfriends and husbands. My mindset was to write this story and make people uncomfortable.
The reality is that this can happen to anyone and if these stories don’t get written, who will know about the abuse of certain police officers on the force? To end this series the way I did, I felt good writing this story and having private investigators doing this kind of work should be required in all of the cases I wrote about.
The Private Investigator 5 is available on B&N, iTunes, Kobo and Scribd along with The Bookpatch. I hope you enjoyed my insight into the Private Investigator series!
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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