When I wrote, 'The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 3,' I had to make it a transition period for Robert. He’s learning about love for the first time, getting his brother back, reflecting back on what he once was as he talks about his old neighborhood and a plethora of other things.
There’s a lot he’s dealing with all at once while trying to maintain his life. These issues Robert is dealing with (plus other things) I had to make this book more of a struggle to get the reader to really understand what men go through mentally but don’t speak about it. Therapy has been helping Robert but I couldn’t just cure him with therapy. That has to be a process and him making progress, no one thing solves every problem in real life.
Incorporating Michael in some chapters was random and came to mind when brainstorming how to make the series more interesting. With Michael having been in prison, I wanted to write how his life was in prison. It was a nice addition to the book and from there, I realized I can have two major characters telling their life stories in a prose format.
As the series went on, the challenge was creating storylines that would keep the story going. It was tackling various social issues men face in today’s world and bringing that forward through Robert’s voice. The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 3 is available on Bookpatch and all other bookstores!
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers

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