The last book of the series is a heartfelt ending to Robert and I once again had to think outside the box. I drew an idea from a book I read years ago by Hill Harper, Letter to a Young Brother. That book had an impact on me and my life and I wanted to utilize how Hill wrote his book and put a little spin to it in this book.
I decided that this book should be life lessons Robert has learned that any man can apply to his life. I wanted to include things I’ve learned and break social stigmas of having to always be strong, going at things alone and not needing help, keeping our emotions inside and a plethora of other subject matter.
My hope with this book was to shine light on things we go through but how we can apply our troubles, struggles and pain and turn them into something positive. It’s not easy for us in today’s world and we have to look at positive reinforcement to better ourselves. Most young men in today’s world don’t grow up with a father figure and it’s imperative to our upbringing. Not only having a male role model and figure in our lives but good ones, not just anyone.
The colors of the book covers have symbolism in this series. If you look carefully at Part 1 it was a black cover which resembles darkness, Part 2 was sadness and sorrow, Part 3 was transition, Part 4 is change, Part 5 is seeing the light and getting out of the tunnel with a yellow book cover. This was intentionally done when I was in the process of making this book cover on Canva.
I hope you enjoyed reading my book insight with The Struggles and Growth of a Man! The ending of the series is available on Bookpatch and all other bookstores!
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers

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