There’s one thing in our lives that we do too much, you know what that is? Putting people before ourselves. We put people’s wants, needs and desires before ourselves. We bend over backwards for others but a lot of times they don’t do the same or even reciprocate even half of what you’re giving.
I know too many people in my life that do this and it’s a path to an unhealthy life mentally, spiritually and emotionally. We start to build a resentment toward others who don’t give us the same energy we give. It’s where we have to set boundaries for ourselves.
You need to remember to take care of yourself first. To focus on what’s important for you and then worry about everyone later. It’s great to wanna make others happy, be there for them, comfort them but you also have to be there for yourself or you will be pouring from an empty cup.
When you start to prioritize yourself, people will have to adjust to you and your boundaries. Some will be okay with it, others may not be but that’s not for you to concern yourself with at all. That’s on the person to adjust to who you are and what you’re becoming.
Sometimes we have to stop catering to others who don’t appreciate us and who we are. We need to stop watering their plants first instead of ours so we can grow. And when you’re a good person, people will try to drain your energy. Be careful of the energy drainers, you don’t need them around your energy all of the time.
Stay focused on yourself, learn, grow, heal, fall, get up, get rest, do what your heart feels is right and make sure that you’re good mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You need all four to have a good, balanced life.
Thanks for reading my blog, have a good week, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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