The energy that you put into your goals and dreams is imperative. Your battery has to be fully charged and your motor has to push you through the good and bad days. The good days are great, your energy is there, you’re feeling great and nothing can stand in your way. Those bad days are going to determine how much you want to be happy in your life.
Everything isn’t going to be perfect, you’re going to hit some hurdles. Is your battery and motor going to keep you going when you go through some rough patches? That’s something you have to think about and ask yourself. It’s important to know yourself and who you are.
Self-awareness, that’s the name of the game and your motor has to be relentless. Yes it’s good to rest yourself, that means recharging the battery inside of you that’s going to push you to greatness. You think that people who are successful don’t have a filled battery and a motor that drives them everyday?
Stop to think about how important it is to have a motor that is going to get you results and success. Success comes at a hefty price and having an innate drive to live out your dreams is how you achieve the results you want. A lot of what you do will be fun, great and fulfilling. There will also be things you don’t love to do but you’ll have to do it to have the success that you want.
Remember to keep your spirits good, keep your battery charged up and going and living your life at your best. This life is a journey and it’s all about growth, love, passion, happiness and staying disciplined. Don’t doubt yourself, let’s get to work!
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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