The one thing that I tell people a lot is that most people can't go on the journey that you're on. Here's why and I'll explain. You have the people who settle for mediocrity and will complain about their lives and not do a thing about it, and then there are the people who want to do better and will work at their craft on a daily basis. It's one or the other, when it comes to your life journey, it's black and white, no grey areas (at least in my eyes).
With that said, most of the people that I know are perfectly fine with their lives and where they are in life. They either have desk jobs working 9-5, go to the gym, watch ratchet television shows with no substance, wait for Friday and then go enjoy their weekends. Those are people who will not understand your goals, your vision and you striving for greatness. Nor will those people necessarily support you either so don't have any expectations from them either. Very few people will support you because they know that they don't have the mental drive to do what you're doing.
Now, the ones who don't support you want to see the end results when the lights are shining on you. They'll sit and watch your journey on social media (whether you choose to post that kind of content) like all of your posts and then when you come out of that dark tunnel and the lights are on you, they'll be the first ones to say they know you. Be careful of those people, always remember, there are very few who truly, "know you" and your journey. Most people know "of you" and will play the role of saying or thinking, they "know you."
You will lose a lot of friends along the way and you'll have family members who won't understand and support your journey either. All I can tell you is to keep going. I say these things because I've experienced it myself and you can only learn from experience.
Whatever your goals are, keep striving for them. When you accomplish one, move onto the next one. Continually set goals for yourself, it's how you stay motivated.
Be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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